The practice of law is a profession. It is a calling. It is a personal service. The practice of law is not a brand or a franchise. It is not a claims-mill or a one-size-fits-all outfitter. And, in our opinion, the practice of law is certainly not about television commercials with some sad-eyed spokesman making a scripted, phony-sympathy plea for access to your misfortune or tragedy. The field of wrongful death and personal injury law involves lives, not customers. It involves injured and aggrieved individuals, not consumers. It involves the hurt and the vulnerable. It is personal, hence the title.
For nearly two decades, The Dow Firm, P.C. has served the people of Glynn County and Brunswick, Georgia. We are here and we have consistently been here – in this community – living and working, establishing a reputation for successful, aggressive serious personal injury and wrongful death legal representation which yields significant results. We walk among you. We don’t make television commercials, we make a difference in our clients’ lives. Please look at our list of results and listen to what our clients have to say in their testimonials. That is what matters, not the high-gloss rhetoric delivered from note cards by some out-of-state/out-of-town TV commercial lawyer.
Clients with serious personal injury and wrongful death claims want complete justice. The Dow Firm, P.C. gets results for clients – period. The amount of judgments and settlements secured by the firm since 2002 eclipses $55,000,000 (fifty-five million dollars). Each case is personally evaluated by the firm founder and litigator, J. Dow III. Each case is investigated and worked-up vigilantly as if the case is going to go to trial. That way, if a reasonable settlement offer is not made by the opposition, the case is ready for a litigated fight – clients are not relegated to just taking what is being extended to settle. Each jury trial is handled by J. Dow III, personally, who applies his individual litigation and trial experience gained over two decades of trial practice. Unlike some of the TV commercial law firms, a client’s case is not referred out to a different law firm to handle court proceedings when a settlement cannot be reached. Clients’ cases are handled by The Dow Firm, P.C. We are not afraid of the courtroom. We force insurance companies and defendants to reckon with us and deal in good faith either pre-suit or once in litigation. We don’t buckle and punt the case to someone else when the going gets tough.
The Dow Firm, P.C. has been solicited time and again to advertise through multi-media, including television commercials. We’ve been told that TV will increase name recognition and build a persona which makes us appear better than others because there is an assumption of celebrity and success associated with people on television. We have resisted this course, finding that type of advertising to be unsavory and insincere. While the other guys have been busy making television commercials, we have been doing the work on our desks and in the courtrooms, earning the confidence of clients who go and share their experiences with other people from Brunswick, St. Simons Island and the rest of Glynn County.
Unfortunately, while results speak for themselves, there are many people who are uninformed about their choices when it comes to personal injury and wrongful death representation. We receive calls often from dissatisfied clients of TV commercial lawyers looking for assistance when the legal service does not live up to the public perception created by television advertising. We regularly refuse to take-over representation in these cases on the basis they have not been developed in the way The Dow Firm, P.C. would have worked them from the beginning.
We go to work every day – not the video production set or editing booth – to exert our energy to help people with their damaged lives. We expend our effort and resources for the welfare of our clients, not our ego or an interest in becoming the most visible law firm possible. Some clients of certain over-exposed megafirms learn the hard way that image yields to substance in serious personal injury and wrongful death matters. Sadly, when the advertising does not match the performance, it is often too late for them to make their one shot at justice count.
There are only so many hours in a day. For that reason, The Dow Firm, P.C. scrutinizes the type and number of cases it will accept, passing on those which lack merit and/or do not justify the firm’s involvement. The firm founder and litigator, J. Dow III, is actively involved in every case which The Dow Firm, P.C. accepts. Simply stated, J. Dow III will be the attorney handling each client’s case from start to finish whether it resolves by way of settlement or before a jury in court. Clients are given Mr. Dow’s personal cell phone number and an invitation to call whenever necessary. During the life of any case, clients will interact directly with Mr. Dow, will be accompanied by Mr. Dow to all litigation proceedings (depositions, hearings, etc.) and clients’ cases will be tried by Mr. Dow, personally.
Mr. Dow is not a spokesperson, he is a trial lawyer. Mr. Dow has no interest in developing a nationwide practice or a practice in multiple areas of the law. The Dow Firm, P.C. does one thing and does it well – it represents people with serious injury or wrongful death claims. The Dow Firm, P.C. is committed to getting results.
When a client hires The Dow Firm, P.C., the client will not receive a token handshake from a guy who appears in a commercial, only to be shuttled to a completely different person to handle the representation. Likewise, The Dow Firm, P.C. doesn’t use some pretty face on a billboard which isn’t even a lawyer to attract the attention of a potential client. We find this type of bait-and-switch advertising insulting, if not altogether deceiving. When the services of The Dow Firm, P.C. are enlisted, Mr. Dow and his long-time staff will all work on your case together with you.
It is disappointing how some law firms advertise as if they care about our community, despite the fact they are from somewhere else entirely – many times outside our local area code, not to mention out of state. J. Dow III was raised in Glynn County as a boy. He grew up here, attending grade school, middle school and high school. He worked here in the summers while he attended college and law school. He was married here and he has raised his family here. Glynn County is not a place where he just advertises. He moved back here after law school and established his law firm to serve his people. Mr. Dow is involved in the community with activities such as youth athletics and charitable organizations. He knows the area’s history, current events, rhythms and ways. He knows Glynn County law enforcement, the medical community, the government, the businesses, the judges and the jurors in the jury pool. It is no wonder that out-of-town lawyers call Mr. Dow to assist them with Glynn County cases when it becomes evident to them and their clients that they don’t know the geographic or demographic terrain like The Dow Firm, P.C. This begs the question why someone with a serious personal injury or wrongful death claim would hire a law firm unfamiliar with the venue when there is a proven, local resource like The Dow Firm, P.C.